Saturday, July 4, 2009

Getting It Right

read it at,28804,1906802_1906838_1906981,00.html?xid=rss-topstories

The ills of the country could not be addressed without more aggressive involvement by the government by step into the breach and restart the economy.

surrounded with brilliant people.

confidence to abandon a policy that wasn't working and believed in experimentation, but didn't deny the evidence when an experiment proved unsuccessful. an appetite for experimentation and the determination to keep what works and scrap what doesn't.

from a rural to an urban society; from an agricultural to an industrial economy; from a fairly stable and homogeneous nation to a more dynamic, diverse one of new immigrants; from a nation of modest influence to a global power, I would prefer to keep both!!

That is the challenge President Obama has inherited and believe he will succeed in his efforts at economic recovery, health-care reform and taking big steps on climate change. Along the way, be inspired by F.D.R.'s concern for all, with relentless optimism, penchant for experimentation, relish for spirited debate among brilliant advisers and his unshakable faith in the promise of the World.

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